Sunday, May 6, 2007

Things People Said [Part I]

I was leafing through this really old, really strange and really yellow book of quotations this morning, and found some timeless pieces, which, I thought, must be posted here and shared for all eternity. Happy reading!! Cheerz.


1. "Laws are dumb in the midst of arms." [CICERO, Pro Milone] - Focus on the "laws are dumb" part...

2. "The net of law is spread so wide,
No sinner from its sweep may hide.
Its meshes are so fine and strong,
They take in every child of wrong.
O wondrous web of mystery!
Big fish alone escape from thee!"
[J. J. ROCHE, The Net of law] - I know its a wee bit melodramatic, but, nevertheless, fairly accurate.

[*Sigh*...I might be turning a little obsessive.]

1. "Necessity has no law; I know some attorneys of the same." [FRANKLIN, Poor Richard's Almanac for 1734] - Note the year in which this was written. It may as well have been written yesterday.

2. "And whether you're an honest man or whether you're a thief, depends on whose solicitor has given me my brief."
[W. S. GILBERT, Utopia, Limited, I] - A very very true statement, this. Creepily true.


This one is, by far, my favourite:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time."
[LINCOLN, (A. K. McClure: Lincoln's Yarns and Stories)]

That's it for now. I'll be back with more later, unless I'm dead, disemboweled, madly in love, normal, or otherwise incapacitated.

1 comment:

Silver Mist said...

The entire post didn't get me laughing do hard as this bit :

I'll be back with more later, unless I'm dead, disemboweled, madly in love, normal, or otherwise incapacitated.
:D :D :D :D

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